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Suriani’s Diary

Weight Loss Success

Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

43 years old and a mother, Suriani once locked herself at home for 3 months because of a nasty remark made about her body. “I never had weight issues after the birth of my 2 kids, but after the 3rd kid, my weight sky rocketed to 67kg! I hated what I saw in the mirror - my body was out of shape, ugly stretch marks, flabby tummy and big hips. None of my clothes could fit me anymore.”


“Some asked when I was expecting, little kids rubbed and hugged my “pregnant-looking” tummy and youngsters offered me a seat in public. My husband was away at that time, so nobody understood how I felt. I couldn’t take it, so I locked myself at home for 3 months and during that period, many thoughts ran through my head – "How did I become fat? How can I lose the weight?" After 3 months and after the blessing of my husband, I sought for help at London Weight Management.”

With every kg loss, Suriani gained confidence

“My first experience at London was amazing, I lost 2kg easily! Experts recommended the Postnatal Slimming Treatment that uses ginger extracts and gradually, my hormones were balanced back, blood circulation improved, and fat seem to disappear after every treatment! I’m able to take care of my family because I’m far more energetic and healthier than before. My consultant is not only my beauty advisor, but she is my life motivator! Thanks to her, I regained my confidence and a slimmer 53kg figure!”

Other Success Stories

*individual results may vary

Terms & Conditions
  • This redemption offer is valid for NEW FEMALE customers aged 21 & above with weight problems only
  • Participants are to ensure that their correct particulars are submitted in order to be eligible for this promotion.
  • This redemption is not transferrable or exchangeable for cash or other terms.
  • The treatment and products provided in this redemption are for personal use only. You may not sell or resell any of the products received from this redemption.
  • Advance booking is needed and please present Identity Card for registration.
  • Individual results may vary.
  • The free slimming kit can only be redeemed after the consultation and treatments have been completed.
  • By redeeming this free offer, all participants authorise London Weight Management to use their information for marketing purposes.
  • London Weight Management reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. For enquiry, please contact us at +603-9779 1234.

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